Sunday, January 9, 2011

Welcome to the Seattle chapter of the CC Riders Club

This is a simple list of providers that charge no more than 2 C-notes for an hour of time.  We've included as much information as we could find.  Please send additions or removals to CC Riders.  There is minimal screening of these.  It is the responsibility of the user of this list to verify both the actual pricing and general suitability of the provider for their desired use.  Providers need to have a track record of at least one month in the Seattle area and at least one published, credible review.  Visiting providers won't be included.  We will endeavor to keep the list current.  Inclusion in this list is solely at the discretion of CC Riders and is not an endorsement of any kind.

Providers:  feel free to ask for inclusion or removal from this list.  Send email to CC Riders.
Please include a link to your ads and or reviews.

Gents:  please do your research on the provider.  Some prefer to be contacted in a specific way.  You should check their current advertisement.  We suggest searching on one of the Seattle boards like TNA, THR or TNAB.